
Keith Urban Sends Final Message to Fans Before Vocal Rest
Keith Urban Sends Final Message to Fans Before Vocal Rest
Keith Urban Sends Final Message to Fans Before Vocal Rest
Keith Urban is about to go on “complete vocal lockdown” for three weeks after he has throat surgery, so he took two minutes to issue a video message, thanking fans their support, love, cards, messages and gift baskets. Urban is about to have a polyp surgically removed and is expected to make a full recovery.
Average Texter Sends or Receives 41.5 Messages a Day — Survey of the Day
Average Texter Sends or Receives 41.5 Messages a Day — Survey of the Day
Average Texter Sends or Receives 41.5 Messages a Day — Survey of the Day
According to a survey of 2,227 adults by the Pew Research Center, the average text message user sends or receives an average of 41.5 messages a day. How much someone texts is not surprisingly tied to how old they are. Those in the 18-to-29 age group send or receive an average of 87.7 texts a day, whereas that total is only 4.7 for those in the 65-and-over group.